Date: 21/06/2023 - 15:00 to 17:00 La condizionalità come strumento di governo negli Stati compositi. Una comparazione tra Stati Uniti, Canada e Unione Europea
Date: 14/06/2023 - 15:00 to 17:00 Jean Monnet Module ENACTING – Plural Constituent Power in Federal and Multi-Jurisdictional Systems
Date: 14/06/2023 - 11:30 to 13:00 Cooling Things Off at Apex Courts. The Law and Politics of Revolving Doors Into and Out of Supreme and Constitutional Courts
Date: 13/06/2023 - 14:30 to 16:00 La democrazia che si difende. Studio comparato su una pratica costituzionale
Date: 05/06/2023 - 16:00 to 18:00 Jean Monnet Module ENACTING – Is the French political system in crisis? Constitutional and democratic challenges of the retirement reform of 2023
Date: 22/05/2023 - 12:00 to 13:30 Political Finance and Party Systems in the Normative Theory of Partisanship: Toward a Civic Model