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Courts and Judges

A. Pizzorusso - Common constitutional traditions as Constitutional Law of Europe?
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G. Martinico - The interpretative rulings of the ECJ as a legal source in the EC law
(later published in Civitas Europa)

F. Lajolo - How the European Court of Justice shaped the 'Brussels I Regulation': individual contracts of employment
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S. Dondi - L'interprétation "créatrice" de la loi selon l'expérience de la Cour Costitutionnelle italienne
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F. Fontanelli - The Court goes "all in"
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L. Castellví - Carrier liability in case of death or injury of passengers
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G. Martinico - European Constitution and European Evolution: Why does the ECJ matter?
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F. Fontanelli - A comment on Tribunal Constitucional's judgment no. 199/2009 and Czech Constitutional Court's judgment no. 29/2009
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C. Lebeck - Supranational Law in a Cold Climate. European Law in Scandinavia
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S. Vetsika, V. Tzevelekos - In Integration We Trust? The Reception of Supranational Law in the Greek Legal Order: "a Tale of Love and Darkness"
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L. Pierdominici - Constitutional Adjudication and the 'Dimensions' of Judicial Activism. Legal and Institutional Heuristics
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M. Calligaro - Le droit de l'Union dans la jurisprudence récente de la Cour constitutionnelle italienne et du Conseil constitutionnel français
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G. Martinico - A (Dis-) Order of Disagreements: Exploring the nature of constitutional conflicts in EU Law
(Now: "The “Polemical” Spirit of European Constitutional Law: On the Importance of Conflicts in EU Law")
(Now published in Academia)

G. Palombella - The Law’s Two Sides and Their Benefits: Domestic to International Context (and from Hamdan to Al Jedda)
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G. Itzcovich - The European Court of Justice as a Constitutional Court. Legal Reasoning in a Comparative Perspective
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G. Vosa - Delegated or implementing acts? Formal and substantial criteria in the systematic understanding of EU legal acts
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A.F. Tatham - “Judicial Variations on the Theme of Regional Integration”: Diffusing the EU Model of Judicial Governance
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H. Miranda Bonilla - "El control de convencionalidad en el Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos"
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F.J. Donaire Villa - La Euroorden, los derechos y el primado de la primacía: consecuencias y paradojas del diálogo judicial en el Asunto Melloni
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G. Martinico - Identifying Implicit Reasons? General Principles of EU Law and Comparative Law
(Now published in Nordic Journal of European Law)

G. Delledonne - La composition de la Cour constitutionnelle italienne : cadre juridique et influences politiques
(download the paper)